desserts musings

mini walnut pastries

So, you know how sometimes you meet someone through someone else who no longer means anything to you? Like, a life-long friend you met through an ex. Sometimes, these things happen. And TBH they are kinda confusing. This past weekend, someone told me about how they met their best friend through an ex-husband. It’s interesting because it makes you think — was this the plan the whole time? Or, is the Universe doing me a favor and truly bringing me something “good” from something “bad”?

I think these things, and maybe sometimes that’s not the way things happen, but it sure as hell makes it a lot easier to endure. I haven’t really met anyone special through someone I no longer care for, but I have gotten a life-long recipe that has endured the test of time. And that might be just as good. This recipe is one of my first from scratch bakes ever, and something that was the most complex at the time, probably because I was baking boxed pound cake on the reg.


When I first had these, I literally lost my mind. You know something is amazing when you can taste so many flavors all at once. Rich, creamy, nutty — but mini, so it’s not too much too soon. I now know that these are called “tassies,” which is just another word for small tart or minature pie. The base is a pastry dough, made with cream cheese, butter, and flour. Flaky, but creamy. Super simple, but rich AF.

Cream cheese pastry dough is much easier to make than regular pastry dough, and if you stick with this recipe and add about 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/4 teapoon of salt — you have a super versatile dough you can use for pie crusts, homemade pop tarts, quiche, and SO SO MUCH MORE. The filling is made with eggs, brown sugar, vanilla, and walnuts (or pecans if that’s your thang!)

It’s hard to mess this recipe up, but I’m sure there’s some gem out there that can find a way. (me. I’m the gem.)

I have made these mini tarts more times than I can count; for parties, gifts, during a pilgramage to Saudi Arabia (this was pre-COVID and people actually smiled at one another) and even first impressions. And let me tell you — I have never met a person who does not like them. Even people who don’t care for walnuts will love this. Of course, it’s 2020 and I’m sure I will NOW run into someone who thinks these are nastiest things that have ever stepped on the planet, but let’s enjoy this ride while it lasts.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as my family and I have all these years! And super, extra thanks to the POS who is no longer in my life who left me with not only some baggage…but also an awesome recipe.

Mini Walnut Pastry Tarts
(makes about 50-55 mini tarts)


for the dough
2 sticks of unsalted butter
1 (8 oz) bar of cream cheese
2 cups all-purpose flour

for the filling
2 eggs
2 cups light brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups chopped walnuts


Preheat oven to 350.

spray mini muffin/cupcake trays with nonstick spray, or make your life 100x easier & use silicone trays.

mix butter, cream cheese, and flour on medium speed in mixing bowl.

mold dough into mini muffin trays and refridgerate for at least
30 minutes, until hardened.

meanwhile, make filling by mixing eggs, brown sugar, vanilla on low speed.

Once mixed, add chopped walnuts. you can buy chopped walnuts and chop them to smaller pieces if you prefer. I like mine a little large.

once dough is hardened, remove from fridge and fill each tray 3/4 full with walnut filling.

bake for 30 minutes. you should see a light golden crust formed at the top of the mini tarts.

let cool in tray for 15 minutes before removing and serving.

musings personal confessions

why naya rivera’s death hits so hard right now

“The trouble is, you think you have time”

—Jack Kornfield

I never watched Glee. I remember a lot of people my age at the time were kinda obsessed with it. I was never into musicals on TV. Correction: on American TV. I had watched enough Bollywood movies to know that I came to Hollywood for the romance, action, drama, and some morbidity. So, this past week I’ve really been trying to figure out WHY Naya Rivera’s disappearance (updated: death) is messing with me so hard right now.

For those who aren’t aware, Naya Rivera is an actress who is most known for her role in Glee. She disappeared last week while boating with her 4-year-old son at Lake Piru. Her body was found five days after at the lake.

I know her because she was the inspiration behind Big Sean’s hit, “I Don’t F**k With You.” Have to admit, that song was/still is a banger, but I really thought Naya was legit some “crazy chick.” I mean, all women go a little “crazy” when they get cheated on, no? Not just women—men too. Cheating has that effect. It brings out parts of you that you didn’t know existed. But, I digress.

When I found out about Naya’s disappearance, I was approaching my month long Twitter detox, so you know the first place I went to was Twitter. Of course it was trending and I read every goddamn tweet and every article that could have been written about her disappearance. I was just in shock. How could a woman someone just disappear in the middle of a lake? Of course she didn’t just disappear—she most likely drowned. It wouldn’t be so morbid if it wasn’t for the fact that her son was found alone on the boat and SAVED. And also because it took them almost 6 days to find her.

So why is it that when I talk to someone about her, I don’t tell them about the part where I stay up until 2am every night looking for updates, going through her IG, reading tweets and articles about her career, her family, in an attempt to figure out what kind of person she was. What she was doing in July 2020. What was she doing during quarantine, during COVID-19? To say I’m obsessed is an understatement.

But, this isn’t the first time a celebrity’s disappearance or death has messed me up FOR DAYS. I mean, everyone was F**KED UP after Kobe. But I was F**KED UP after Heath Ledger, Amy Winehouse, Paul Walker, Robin Williams, Chester Bennington, Anthony Bourdain, Sushant Singh Rajput… and so, so many more. That’s the type of person I am. I’m THAT girl. Who gets emotionally attached to people who didn’t even know she existed.

But here’s the thing—the people I just listed, I was their fan. Like, I watched their movies/shows or listened to their music. And another reason I can excuse myself was that almost all the people mentioned died by suicide. That adds another layer of hardcore sadness and pure curiosity. It’s much easier to get over a death by disease, car/plane accident than it is to get over a death by suicide, or mystery. An unsolved mystery, even worse.

I may not have been a diehard fan of her, but Naya’s death hits extra hard right now is because it reminds us of our mortality in so many different ways. It doesn’t help that 2020 has already shown us that in multiple ways (I mean, did we really need more reminders, Universe?) She wasn’t sick. She wasn’t in the hospital for days surviving on a ventilator. It was a casual day when she left her home with her son to spend time at the lake she had frequented before. She most likely had plans for that evening, the rest of the week, the weekend, and so much more. The nonchalancy of the day is what gets to me. That feeling of being caught off guard. She was only 33.

the irony of this is unsettling…

Why and how is it that sometimes the people who have the BIGGEST plans, who go to sleep waiting for the next day to arrive, have their lives cut short? The morbidity of the situation is that the woman wrote a message about how “tomorrow isn’t promised” just a few days before her death.

We write these things, we believe in it, but are we really prepared? Is anyone ever prepared for that day when you have to say goodbye to the people and what you’ve built here and move on to the next chapter? Sure, if you’re 90 and everyone you really gave a shit about is already six feet under, then you’re probably patiently waiting for that day. But the rest of us, the ones who are not young enough to be children but still too young to die…well we’re the ones who are sitting here posting quotes about “living in the moment,” but never, ever being ready for that moment to come.

It makes you wonder, does one get a feeling of some sorts on the day their death is written for them? Of course, we’ll never know because well, no one has lived to tell.

Rest in Peace+Power+Love,


Life musings updates

This day in February: 1 Year Later

I can’t believe the last time I wrote a public post on this sad thing I call my “blog” was exactly one year ago today. And it was about how I slightly missed being in love. Well, I guess I could say I may, kinda, sorta be on that love train now. But we’ll get to that later.

It’s funny, because I didn’t plan to write a blog post a year later on the same day. If anything, it’s pretty freaking sad that it took me a year to decide to do this. Why am I this way? I don’t know. However, I did write a private entry 3 months ago…. which I’m conflicted whether I should do or not. It’s not like I have plenty of people reading my blog. And if I really don’t want people reading it — well then maybe I shouldn’t have a blog right? Right. Secondly, if I don’t want it shared on my Twitter, it’s pretty freaking easy to change the setting so that it’s not shared to my Twitter page. Do you see where I’m going with this, Nadia? Yeah, you ran out of excuses a year ago, and now you’re just making an embarrassment of yourself. LOL.

The last 4 years of my life have been quite crazy. There’s a lot of shit that’s happened — both good and bad — of course I’ve chosen to focus on the bad about 3 & 1/2 years of it, but nonetheless there has been some, no A LOT, of good. The thing is, whenever some shit happens in your life, that’s when you have the most growth. And that’s generally when things have to change. Without your permission.

I believe that the Universe, God, or whatever you believe in, gives you many subtle chances and opportunities to change. Easy avenues for you to make a difference in your every day routine, your perspective, maybe even your goals and dreams. And plenty of us, don’t take or listen to those subtle signs. We wait it out for as long as we can, because let’s face it — people don’t like change. Sure, there’s some people who will claim that they would much rather live a very exciting crazy life, but there comes a moment when everyone craves stability and security. And if you don’t, well the people around you do, and thus, you’re forced to pick something that makes them feel stable with you. Either way – humans don’t like change.

So, when the Universe nudges you in small ways to change, you continuously ignore it. You’re like, it’s okay I don’t need to do this now. I can do this next week. Or next month. Or next year. Let me continue this routine. Until one day, those subtle nudges turn into storms where the shit hits the fan. And that, my friends, is when you have to change. Whether you like it or not. Without your permission. So, basically, I’ve been forced to change. Because the Universe basically put a gun to my head and was like BETCH YOU NEED TO STOP BEING DUMB AF AND GET IT TOGETHER. But in a much more, well-polished way that made me realize that yes Life, I need to change. And guess what, I have! I’ve tried to become an adult, that’s very self-aware of her flaws, strengths, weaknesses, and have learned how to make good money and take care of it. Don’t know how to cook just yet though.

However, there’s one thing that I have constantly done in these last 4 years that have been fairly bad to my soul: I have stopped writing. It’s probably been a good 2 & 1/2 years since I’ve written a piece about anything. Like nothing. Not even a freaking recipe. I have not published anything in over 2 & 1/2 years and oh my God, has it been painful.

I have been writing e-mails and text messages with such prose and grammar that I sometimes forget that most people don’t even value that kind of shit anymore in their every day e-mail and text messages. There are people that still value letters (like my best friend 4 lyfe Jizzabell) and Thank God for her (and other people on the internet) who will always love the “Humanities.” Because guess what guys!? It’s gonna sound corny but that’s what makes us human. Yes, it’s true—English, History, Philosophy, Languages—is what’s making the world still go round. You can put your Tech and Science to the side. Because it’s the Humanities that have made Tech and Science what it is. We’re the ones that polish it and make it easier for you to comprehend, and we’re the reason why things even get to fruition, because we plant the seed of thought, discovery, and purpose.

Anyways, long story short (789 words later): I’m trying to say that since I stopped writing, my life has had a void that no one and nothing has been able to fill. However, since last year — I’ve come a long way. There’s a lot of blog posts I wrote in my head. It’s been marvelous. But you’re not a writer if you don’t write. So maybe I shouldn’t call myself that anymore when I go on dates. Well, I don’t really call myself that when I go on dates, I mention it briefly, in passing, just like I say that purple is my favorite color, and roses and jasmine are my favorite flowers, and that I would like to spend the rest of my life baking and becoming a florist. But like I said, in passing. I have a 27 things on my to-do list sitting in front of me right now that have ZERO to do with writing and everything to do with things that I sometimes feel I don’t even enjoy doing. But, like I said, I’ve come a long way since February 5, 2018.

Firstly, I’ve learned how to make to-do lists work for me. Of course, today is not a great example. But, I’ve finally given up planners. I discovered the world of Bullet Journal, and although I am not a connoisseur of the practice—it’s amazing and has changed my life. It’s for people who appreciate structured chaos. It’s a way for people like me who have way too many things going on in their head and lives, too many categories of things to do, to put it all down somewhere that has a simple system but no constriction.

Secondly, I’ve calmed the fuck down a little bit. At least outwardly. I no longer go completely psycho when things go wrong in my business. Internally, yes I’m freaking the hell out. But I have learned to control my “energy” around the people I work. I don’t want to choke my dad when I realize he made a pretty bad business decision. Rather I take a step back and think about why he did it the way he did it. Almost all of the time, I see why, and although it sucks at the time, I learn so much from it. This has come after a very, very long time of self-reflection, getting into my head until I can’t think anymore, and actually listening to constructive criticism without having a titty attack. After all, if you can’t take criticism when you’re almost 30 — when will you?

And finally, I’ve finally seen the light. I never lost God, but wow—when I say I found him, well I found Him. Spirituality was always a constant in my life, regardless of my lifestyle, and also the reason why I truly feel I was somehow protected from making worse decisions for myself. There’s a lot of bad things that surround the word “religion.” Rules, regulations, scrutiny, punishment, sin, injustice, Hell. But there’s one word that  doesn’t come up as often as it should and that is — Creator. The one who Created you. You came from somewhere, don’t get it twisted, you did. And there’s nothing wrong with reading, researching, disagreeing, and deciding which scientific theory makes you more comfortable — but at the end of it, you came from somewhere. And you know how I know that? Because we, as human beings, are never going to feel fulfilled. Other people, things, money, careers, status, power — they’re only going to fulfill the people who are hollow. But there will come a point in your life where all these things will get old. They’ll get routine. And you’ll start looking for something else. Until you find a new thing, which too will get old eventually. If you’re someone that reflects — well you will never find what you’re missing or looking for in people, things, and status. The final piece of the puzzle is your relationship with your Creator. That’s the only place you can find that fulfillment, and let me tell you — that journey can take your whole life. Because it’s not the Creator who is complex, it’s that WE are complex.

We fight that journey until we realize we don’t want to fight it anymore. It’s realizing that there is more to life than everything we keep ourselves busy with. It’s realizing that the only way you can get to what more is there to life is by practicing what I like to call, a level of healthy detachment. We’re all attached to things that truthfully, bring us a lot more pain than we realize, and we get trapped into these cycles of more pain. Some of us don’t; maybe some of us have led very easy lives with perfect relationships, but I’m not talking to those people (especially because they don’t exist). But all of us have “Tests.” And those those tests can make you or break you. You can come out of those tests like a phoenix in the ashes, or dig a hole for your grave while you’re still alive, because death would be easier than living the miserable life you’ve created for yourself.

I’m only 28—never been married, have no kids, never had to work too hard for money in my youth—so there’s a lot I probably have to learn. But this makes so much sense to me. There’s plenty of people who have more life experience than me who have found themselves at the same crossroads. What healthy detachment does is it frees you from all the shit that you’ve created in your life and your mind. It frees you from the result, and makes you realize the only one you need to please is your Creator —who only asks that you take care of your soul. However, taking care of your soul is not easy. Especially when everyone around you is conditioned to do it otherwise. What I’ve found in Islam is that it’s kind of like a bootcamp class for your soul. It’s not easy at all, but you get better at it every class, and it’s there so you can finally achieve THAT LEVEL of strength and beauty that you’re striving for.

I could write about this for another 1000 words, but I’ll stop here. Oh, and I think the Universe is working in my favor a lot when I tell you that a year ago — I was missing being in love. And now, exactly a year later… I may have found my person. Still practicing that healthy detachment but gosh does love make it 1000x harder!

Happy V-Day Betches,


Life musings updates

When You Miss Being in Love

It’s been a while. Since I’ve blogged, wrote, or really did anything remotely close to writing. I’ve done writing on paper, in a journal, or the Notes app on my iPhone, but not real writing. Oh my God, I’ve missed it so much. Recently, I was writing a short business letter for one of my employees, and I almost, for a second, felt like I couldn’t write. Obviously I did, but it was this fear of “have I forgotten already?” that just crept up on me, and it’s been on my mind since then. It’s been quite a while.

It’s been even longer since I’ve been in love. LOL. Feels funny typing it. Feels almost like an eternity. I think I’m just one of those people who believes/feels they are more complete with a partner, or in love. Even though a part of me knows that’s not true. It actually hasn’t been that long. Only about 2 & 1/2 years. Which really, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t long. I mean, when you look at it from a cat lady’s perspective—it’s really not long at all. But, when you look at it from someone who loves love, and everything about it, and who has felt love—no matter how fucked up or maybe one-sided it was—it feels like an eternity.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have really, truly, enjoyed being single. I cannot list how many PROS I’ve found in being “single.”  The TIME you have. Time is the most expensive thing you have in your life. It’s so valuable, but you can’t attach a price to it. It’s infinitely valuable—for the rest of your life. I can guarantee you, there will never be a period in your life where your time won’t be valuable. Everything else, will and can take a backseat, but not your time.

Being single is definitely a must in this time and age. Hey, if you happen to find the love of your life early in your life, good for you! But, if you haven’t, well that’s also amazing. There’s so many things you can do alone that really help in your personal development. I feel like how we live now, it’s not only critical to find high-quality people, but also dedicate your time to more than just making memories, making love, and some of the other trivial, carefree things that come with a relationship. All those things are AMAZING when they finally happen and the warm, fuzzy feelings of love are ultimately unbeatable—but that’s not all we’re here for. There’s more to life than finding the love of your life.

I think, as someone who can admit that they love the idea of love sometimes more than the person, it’s necessary for one in their mid-twenties to spend some time alone. Go through things alone. Sure, have your friends and family, but the support of a significant other is big. There’s just some things we discover in life when we’re in complete isolation. When we don’t feel connected to anyone, but ourselves, our feelings, thoughts, and our core. Because, when you finally “find yourself,” find your core, and connect with your true feelings—well, it’s all history from there. Finding yourself is really the first step in finding a lot of things, including finding the right person. I believe finding what they call, your purpose, is 80% of finding the love of your life (if you believe in that sort of thing). The remaining 20% is up to your environmental circumstances and the Universe.

I’ve really honed into the idea that there is no one you spend more time with than yourself. If you feel like you’ve spent most of your youth with someone else by yourself, well I hope you’re happy, but I know I wouldn’t be. I love being in love, but I love being with myself just as much, if not, even more. And I really didn’t believe that, until I was completely, superbly alone. I really wouldn’t have had it any other way. The things I’ve learned not only about myself, but about people and the world, is truly not something I would’ve learned if I was in a relationship. It really involves you to become completely detached. Your detachment leaves you completely open to what is coming to you. A part of you has to be completely broken into, so another part of you can grow—into someone stronger, wiser, and better. And yes, it’s extremely uncomfortable.

Here’s the thing though: I missed writing, I felt a fear that I’d forget how to do it. I’ve begun to miss being in love. And now, I’ve developed a fear that I’ll forget how to be in a relationship. Humans are built for change; although we usually don’t welcome change, and feel profoundly uncomfortable when change is coming—we’re built for it. Because, it’s supposed to happen.

Recently, I’ve been feeling that change must happen, that it’s coming. It’s already happening in many parts of my life, but I still need more. Something different. Someone different. Sometimes, your friends and family don’t cut it. You love spending time with yourself, but you want some change. It could be a new job, a new goal, or a person. Just something different. 

And then, you recall how love made you feel and whoa, it felt different than you do now. Would you trade it for what you have now? Well, I don’t know. It’s not a Yes, but it’s also not a No. And that my friends—is the problem and beauty of love. It really makes you put everything else on the scale with it, and asks you: how much did you miss me?

It is February after all XO,


P.S. This is the 2nd cover of Love Song that I absolutely love. It’s a little more melancholic. But, nothing beats the Original, and of course, the classic mellow 311 version. Amazing. Love you for life, Cure ❤

Life musings personal confessions trying new things updates

All this time I drank you like the cure—when you were the poison

I’m reading all the things I wrote to myself months ago and realizing, regretting, and hurting. I knew all of this so long ago—but was kept in the dark, manipulated, lied to—I was uncentered and drowning in doubt to realize the truth. Everything feels meaningless and yet so meaningful. It’s hard to understand the deceit and betrayal—but it exists. It will always exist. The difference might be that it won’t matter as much, it won’t hurt as much.

The mornings and nights are the worst. I’m too busy all day to dwell, yet I fall asleep thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. It sucks, but it must be part of the process. I’d like to erase everything from my memory, but that won’t really happen, and I no longer want it to happen. This is a necessary lesson, for someone like me. I needed this because I wouldn’t have learned anything if I didn’t actually go through it. However, there’s a difference between losing someone because the stars just aren’t aligning for you at the moment, and actually being deliberately betrayed — and that’s something I don’t think everyone should go through, that just fucking sucks.

I’m going through all the motions, the rollercoaster of an awful, awful breakup. Every day, I think of something different to wallow over. Another lie comes in my brain; something reminds me of him and I realize—oh, that was a lie too, huh. And then, I move on to realizing how not special I was to him. How he could do the same fucking things with her that he did with me. He didn’t leave anything — everything he did with me, say to me — he said to her. Then, I move to beating myself up; I regret not acting on my intuition, putting my honor + faith on the line, disrespecting my family, putting them last—all for someone who was never faithful to me. I regret letting myself get duped, used and abused. I’m embarrassed—no ashamed—for what I did with him and for him. I acted from a place of love, but it was sinful and sad, and the end could be nothing else than what it is now. The show is finally over and I am so glad.

And then I move on to my life that I finally have back. It’s back in my hands, clean and ready for a new story, a new journey. I think about all the great, amazing things that can now come out from a toxic-free, single, whole life. I realize I finally have that one opportunity to understand what it means to be a whole person. Then, I realize that there is someone out there for me whose going to be everything I’ve imagined. I always thought of him, even when I was with another. I know we will meet when the time is right and perfect for us—not a day sooner, not a day later. I know I will look back to this time of my life when I had the most growth, when I was the strongest although I felt the weakest, and I’ll know that this is when I defined myself, found myself, and built myself. I’ll look back and really understand why it didn’t, and never could, work out with anyone else in the world. By that point, I’ll be happy and satisfied by myself, too.

I know that I was meant for other things and the reality is finally here. And all I can do right now is accept this reality with an open heart, thank the God that loves and cares for me, and be ready.



But, Like, Why Didn’t I Make My Resume Like This?


Sweater Weather — The Neighbourhood

Once again, I have discovered a song a little after the fact. But, it’s never too late to discover good music. The song has got some weird, hipster lyrics and a cool vibe to it, but aside from a great beat, I really like how it goes from an upbeat, fast song to ending in a slow, mellow tone. Makes sense with our emotions.

music musings musings personal confessions


Wake up and look me in the eyes again
I need to feel your hand upon my face
Words can be like knives
They can cut you open
And then the silence surrounds you
And haunts you

I think I might’ve inhaled you
I can feel you behind my eyes
You’ve gotten into my bloodstream
I can feel you flowing in me

Words can be like knives
They can cut you open
And then the silence surrounds you
And haunts you

I think I might’ve inhaled you
I can feel you behind my eyes
You’ve gotten into my bloodstream
I can feel you flowing in me

The spaces in between
Two minds and all the places they have been
The spaces in between
I try to put my finger on it
I try to put my finger on it

I think I might’ve inhaled you
I can feel you behind my eyes
You’ve gotten into my bloodstream
I can feel you flowing in me

I think I might’ve inhaled you
I can feel you behind my eyes
You’ve gotten into my bloodstream
I can feel you floating in me


Nowadays, I’ve been living for those few moments of love, passion, & ecstasy—
granted, they are happiness for maybe the short-term, but they feel so amazing.

Sometimes, when we’re going about our day, engrossed in everything we’re supposed to be doing, we easily forget how strongly someone leaves a part of themselves with us. Or rather, how much we leave ourselves with them.


Life musings rants

why .?

I must ask


do people eat so loudly … ? What is the significance of it? And why do they? Is it something physical—that has to do with their gross teeth, hideous tongue, and awful mouth? or is it something more emotional and mental—do they need to hear themselves? Does that make them all excited, to know that every piece is being chewed and eventually digested into their system? Are they really that insecure that they need to know?

Or do they just do it so people like ME, who are passive and unemployed, can write late night blog posts about their awful habits? Are they encouraging me to write? Do they really want me to blog that bad?

So does this mean they are, ultimately, writing angels, who awake all my senses, and force me to write? Is that what they are? Maybe.

musings trying new things

Don’t be Sad

“Our tragedy is that we are incapable of dealing with the present: neglecting our beautiful castles, we wail over dilapidated buildings. If every man and every jinn were to try jointly to bring back the past, they would most certainly fail. Everything on earth marches forward, preparing for a new season and so should you.”

~ this quote refers to a very significant chapter in the Islamic book, Don’t be Sad by Dr. ‘A’id al-Qarni. It refers to the past, and it’s toxic effects, if one lets it get that far. I know this firsthand, for the past haunts me everyday, every instant. Even simple things that happened the week before, or the day of, but didn’t go the way I’d like them to, eat me up inside and out. However, I’m attempting everyday to change this awful habit; reiterating phrases like, “it’s water under the bridge,” “It’s the past,” help once in a while. Reading this particular section in Don’t be Sad certainly helped, because it goes into detail the differences between someone who allows the past to haunt and hinder them, and those who do not allow it to. It’s helped me, maybe it may help some other reminiscent junkies like me.

The past should only serve for historical purposes, and happy reminiscent moments. Let’s try to keep it that way.

Carpe Diem is popular for a reason,
