personal confessions

One Year and One day later

  Today I met up with a longtime elementary school friend and caught up on the six years of life that we have gone through without one another. Of course, we left one another a facebook comment here and there, met twice during 4 years of highschool, but now that we’re in our senior year of college and that I’ve moved back into the same house I lived in 8 years ago, we had quite a lot to catch up on.

But, I simply cannot reveal all the great things we discussed during our meeting at a packed Starbucks shop, but what I can say is that later that evening (well, around the early hours of the morning, 1:40am), my friend sent me a text saying, “You should start a blog! […]”

I already have one! Which, UNFORTUNATELY, I’ve posted to TWICE. Blogging has been on my mind this entire week, not for meditative purposes, but for graduate-school purposes (yes, condemn me now please). I’ve decided that if I want to impress those who will accept me & enhance my resume, transcript, personality, and charm, then I must start doing some additional writing on the side. And how wonderful, I have returned to WordPress an ENTIRE YEAR AND DAY LATER. I truly believe it’s a sign.

This year and a day off has had some good come from it though. I have been doing a ton of writing (newspaper, internship with Inked Mag., essays, etc) since then. I’m still trying to figure out what I write BEST, but I think I’m going to finally start getting Nadia’s Niche out and about!

Next blog will be coming up BEFORE departing to London on Friday the 13th and will discuss the humourous connections of arranged marriages (oh my god Indians!) and online dating, thanks to my great friend who I caught up with earlier yesterday (haha).


See ya soon! xoxo, Nadia.

By NadiatheGreat

I'm a writer, daughter, sister, lover, friend and 5'1.
Alright, you got me. I'm 5'0.

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